Innovation is one of the key parts of design thinking that participates strongly in its success. Design thinking is an iterative process that leads to perfection by focusing on the customer's problems and finding a solution to help them. The process eventually results in the benefit of both the customer and the organization.  

What is Design Thinking? 

Design thinking is a method to increase a company’s value and bring relief to users. It emphasizes user experience over the market, design over engineering and customer over product. In other words, it values the customer more than the business, eventually leading to business growth and expansion. Design thinking, innovation and UI UX design certification is not for the known problems or solutions but for non-existent and unique things that the world needs. 

Why is Design Thinking So Important?

Design thinking and innovation holds importance due to its holistic approach that connects business, logic, society and emotion. Besides being creative and rational, it considers economic needs as well. It is a key method for a business to be in the competition by making the organization follow a new path and iteratively work on the developed prototype. It encourages questioning, creativity, experimentation and learning. 

What are the 5 Phases of Design Thinking?

The five phases of design thinking are as follows:


Defining the problem




An entrepreneur should understand the problem through the user's perspective with empathy. Gather the information and define the problem. Work on design thinking for innovation and bring a solution. Develop a prototype for feedback. Test the prototype to understand the potential and limitations for further modifications. 

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Distinctions Between Design and Design Thinking

Design isn't the commonly understood shape and structure; rather, it is the working mechanism. Design thinking is a practice that connects the necessities with technology while considering feasibility, economic and customer value and market potential. Design involves analysis, imagination, and creativity to bring out the solution. In contrast, design thinking uses logic and reasoning with imagination to benefit the user and the organization. Ultimately, the design aims to improve the quality of life and design thinking assists in doing so. 

What is the Driving Force Behind Design Thinking?

Constant and accelerated change may end up eradicating the business if not worked through. It drives entrepreneurs to administer design thinking in different aspects of their business. The solution requires design thinking coupled with innovation and the encouragement to take risks to tackle the problem with a unique and non-existent solution.

Design thinking promotes companies to change their mindset not just to solve problems but to find them. Incorporating long-term strategy planning and setting a work environment that runs on creativity, imagination, and iteration can help businesses. 

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